Mid-Bronx Community Preservation Coalition, Inc.
489 St. Paul's Place
Bronx, New York 10456
Phone Number - (718) 590-0655
Provides HIV-AIDS awareness workshops, GED testing (participants must be 17-20 years old), job referral for training and placement, computer training, and free internet access.
Participants must have their Birth Certificate and Social Security Card ready to submit in order to register.
NYC AIDS Housing Network
80A Fourth Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Phone Number - (877) 615-2217 or (718) 802-9540
See website for more information.
NYC Commission on Human Rights
Phone Number - (212) 306-7500
Spanish is spoken by staff members.
Provides services to individuals who feel that they have been discriminated against in employment or housing based on race, sex, creed, color, age, ancestry, national origin, sexual preference, and physicial or emotional disability.
See website for more information.
Part of the Solution
2763 Webster Avenue
Bronx, New York, 10458
Telephone Number:(718) 220-4892
Issue addressed: Housing benefits.
Staff provide complete hygiene kits: shampoo, shaving supplies, soap, deodorant, lotion, toothbrushes, paste, towels, and clothes to offenders.
Staff offers clothes for offenders and their families.
Eligible participants can recive free haircuts starting at 8 AM on Wednesdays, "Janet" begins cutting hair at 10 A.M. (only 20 available each day).
Staff provide food for households in for zip codes: 10453, 10457, 10458, 10460, 10463, 10467, 10468.
Food is served to offenders.